A lovely and serene place for family and friends to gather, reminisce and celebrate time shared. The Fountain of Eternal Memories is fashioned from white Georgia marble and blue pearl granite, it presents an inviting, soothing environment with a small garden vista, where one can sit and experience water cycling in a beautiful and endless cascade – much like the cycle of life itself.
The Fountain of Eternal Memories offers a wide range of outdoor crypts, including lounge crypts, companion crypts and single crypts. For those interested in cremation, there is a wide range of cremation niches nestled around the fountain and the garden vista as well as each side of the mausoleum.
Available Outdoor Cremation Niches:
• By The Fountain
• Around The Garden Vista
• On The Side Of The Mausoleum
Our caring experts will be glad to show you the Fountain and explain all the choices that fit your needs. The popularity of this feature offers a selection of choices at prices that will only rise with time.